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CareVision 2030
Invest in the accelerating German elderly care industry!

Our Goal

It’s our goal to provide high-quality, accessible and flexible caregiving services to meet the demand of the highly ageing population in Germany. Based on our sector expertise, first-hand experience and entrepreneurial mindset, we have created a holistic, customer-centered approach to care provision in Germany.

By tackling the situation from all angles, we assure the development of a complete funnel from educating caregivers to providing customized, flexible and technology-driven care solutions. Our solutions are applicable to both B2C and B2B, even to our competitors and future purchasing targets.


Despite the increasing demand and immense profit opportunities, with mandatory caregiving insurance in Germany:
  • The caregiving sector remains very unadaptive, traditional and highly fragmented.
  • The average caregiving companies are family-owned businesses with little or no management experience and limited human resources.
  • Despite the aging population becoming more technically savvy, the sector stays low in tech solutions.
  • People aged 60+

    Germans in need of long-term care

    3,4 mln
    4,1 mln
    People with mandatory nursing care insurance


    82 MLN


    Scarcity of formal caregivers



    Investment in the “CareVision 2030” funds provides maximum security of capital, as all the existing modules have been tested and proven successful. All planned modules will be developed with low financial risk, based on our extensive sector research & analysis and successful business experience.

    At the same time, it provides vision and technology for large upside potentials, mainly by introducing expansionary management training and visionary technology to the industry.


    Providing Home Care Services

    Established in 2017 with 4 employees
    2 mln EUR annual revenue and growing
    83 employees working in 3 locations (Munich, Ingolstadt, Reischach) in 2019
    60% expected yearly organic growth

    We plan to expand our operations to cover 95% of Germany by 2030.


    Educating and Supplying Caregivers

    Established in late 2019 in NE of Hungary
    prepare 100+ qualified Caregivers annually
    Staff for expansion of Dr. King Ambulante Pflege
    Caregivers for Hospitals and Care Centers

    The program is designed for training caregivers to become certified caregiving managers and run franchise offices of Dr. King Pflege throughout Germany and Europe by 2030.


    Providing Respite Services

    ‘Uber’ for Caregivers
    App in BETA testing, developed by Dr. King Family company, to launch in spring/summer 2020
    High demand for the product
    Optimal solution for acute/respite caregiving services
    Both B2C and mainly B2B opportunities
    Optimal solution for acute/respite caregiving services
    Opportunity for caregivers to earn extra income

    Will be launched in a small city to gather learning. It is planned to be available throughout Germany by 2030.

    Dr. King Betreutes Wohnen

    Providing Senior Living Real Estate Solutions

    1-4 new facility structuring annually
    Local and federal government support
    24/7 services by Dr. King Pflege
    Small cities only, with land purchase options
    Investment case by case

    Concept, acquisition/ option to acquire, design and immediate sales of Senior Housing building permits, with 24/7 emergency and other care services by Dr. King Ambulante Pflege, once the entity has been built.

    Dr. King Pfleger-Vermittlung

    Information Hub for Caretakers/ Caregivers

    An online platform to connect all caretaking services and product sellers with caregivers.
    Early release planned in 2021
    First Stage: platform for clients to find appropriate care provider companies (check24/ concept).

    The goal is to build a database of clients, sell their data to service providing companies and use the data for cross-selling additional services and products.

    Why Invest

    Investment as Limited Partner (“Kommanditist”) in CareVision 2030 - I GmbH & Co KG

    Clear Fee structure : 20% of profits / 2% annually
    High potential for return on investment
    Strong German economy sector with government support
    Proof of Concept
    Massive upside potential - low downside risk
    Fragmented sector with low competition and an abundance of purchase to integrate companies
    Explosive growth - both industry and company
    Internal hedge through the diversity of approaches to Caregiving
    Upside potential through investments in technology and our VC arm
    The main shareholder and his family maintain a strong financial and management presence in the company
    Exit through IPO between 2023 and 2028


    Please make sure you have read and understood the following warnings :



    The content of this letter is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own research and analysis before making any investment and investment decision based on your personal and/or your company's circumstances. You should take independent financial advice from professionals in connection with, or independently research and verify, any information you base your investment decision on, whether for making an investment decision or otherwise. Only the prospectus and the investment contract are to be considered reliable information unless otherwise stated.


    Any investment in a running company directly or through funds carries the risk of underperformance and total loss of capital. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose.